elaborates forecasts regarding the economic-social development of Romania in the short, medium and long term, in correlation with the public policies in the economic field decided by the Romanian Government, as well as based on the trends from the national and world economy;
participates in the elaboration of national, sectorial or regional development strategies and programs, substantiates the strategic orientations in achieving the development objectives;
participates in the elaboration and annual updating of the programmatic documents on which Romania must to prepare as a member country of the European Union, such as the Convergence Program and the National Reform Program;
participates in the meetings of the working groups of the European Commission and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, set up in their field of competence;
participates in all activities related to the process of adopting the euro and provides support according to its role and competences;
participates in the activity of the National Committee for Macroprudential Supervision, in accordance with the decision of the Prime Minister;
performs analyzes and forecasts for the substantiation of budget projects, in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Public Finance;
performs assessments and forecasts on the long-term sustainability of public finances, including on the basis of specific macroeconomic models, having the responsibility of transmitting the results to the Ministry of Public Finance;
evaluates and elaborates forecasts regarding the potential gross domestic product, output-gap and structural deficit, which will be used by the Ministry of Public Finance in the budgetary process;
periodically analyzes the internal economic situation, including on the basis of its own economic surveys, in order to highlight some risks or dysfunctions in the evolution of some sectors or economic activities;
analyzes developments and policies in the field of productivity and competitiveness;
performs analyzes regarding the internal and external risks that may affect the evolution of the Romanian economy;
conducts studies and analyzes on the prospects of the world economy, highlighting the main trends and their possible impact on the Romanian economy;
develops and uses macroeconomic models to substantiate and ensure the coherence of development forecasts and scenarios;
builds and/or develops econometric models and methods for assessing the effects of structural reforms and public policies, such as general and structural equilibrium models;
harmonizes the forecasting methods and techniques, as well as the legislative framework in its field of activity with the regulations and recommendations of the European Union;
assesses the impact of structural funds and other external financial sources attracted on macroeconomic indicators;
participates in ex ante, media res and ex post evaluations of the impact of public policies at macroeconomic and sectorial level through specific methodologies;
elaborates analyzes and forecasts regarding the real and nominal convergence of Romania;
performs analyzes and forecasts regarding the economic and social impact of European funds in Romania, by using specific macroeconomic models;
elaborates analyzes and forecasts regarding the energy balance;
analyzes the impact of financial, monetary and budgetary policies on the real economy;
analyzes and forecasts the evolution and effects of the inflationary process on the macroeconomic equilibria;
performs analyzes and forecasts on the evolution of financial markets;
makes short, medium and long term forecasts regarding the foreign trade activity and the balance of external payments;
performs analyzes and forecasts on the evolution of the main sectors of activity in the economy, such as industry, agriculture, transport, trade, communications, as well as others;
elaborates forecasts and analyzes regarding the labor market and the social insurance system;
elaborates analyzes and forecasts regarding the evolution in territorial profile of the main economic-social indicators;
performs analyzes on the impact of local development programs on economic growth;
responds to the solicitations of public authorities by making forecasts, upon request;
formulates, upon request, points of views on public policy proposals, before being transmitted to the General Secretariat of the Government;
transmits, in its own field of competence, together with the General Secretariat of the Government, the point of view regarding the legislative proposals, questions and interpellations addressed by the parliamentarians, limited to the economic-social issue, at its request;
participates in monitoring the implementation of the governance program;
ensures the management and implements projects with non-reimbursable financial assistance from internal and external sources regarding the strengthening of its own institutional capacity, such as human resources, research and forecasting methods, development of the capacity to formulate economic policies, organization and evaluation;
publishes magazines and newsletters in its field of activity; the expenses related to the printing and dissemination of the newsletters shall be borne, in accordance with the law, from the budget of the National Commission for Strategy and Prognosis and from other sources;
ensures or participates in the professional training of the personnel from the central and local public administration on the issues limited to its field of activity;
ensures, in accordance with the law, the professional training of the personnel from its own structure;
organizes the preventive financial control and monitors the budget execution;
prepares the draft annual budget of the National Commission for Strategy and Prognosis, as well as the investment program of the institution.
Cristian Popișteanu Street 2-4, Sector 1, Bucharest; 010024